The Fondation Alliance Française

The Fondation Alliance Française


Alliance Française de Cork is part of an international network of over 800 Alliances Françaises.

The Alliance Française was founded in 1883 in Paris as an Association nationale pour la propagation de la langue française, under the aegis of Pierre Foncin and Ambassador Paul Cambon. For the past 140 years, the international Alliance Française network has been promoting the French language and Francophone culture beyond the borders of France.

On 21st July 2023, the Alliance Française worldwide network celebrated its 140th anniversary in Paris, with more than 600 colleagues from over 100 countries. Alliance Française de Cork was represented at this event by its President, Valérie David-McGonnell, who had the opportunity to meet French President Emmanuel Macron, French Minister of State Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Fondation des Alliances Françaises President Yves Bigot, and Institut Français President Eva Nguyen Binh on this occasion.

The Alliance Française Paris was created the following year by a board of directors including illustrious names such as Jules Verne (writer), Louis Pasteur (chemist and biologist), and Ferdinand de Lesseps (diplomat).

The Alliance Française is the largest cultural network in the world and numerous students have benefited from the Alliance Française quality trademark.

Key Figures

829 Alliances in 135 countries
420,000+ Students enrolled every year
21,000+ Cultural Events every year

Each Alliance Française is governed locally and bound by its Constitution approved by the Fondation des Alliances Françaises.

Click here > Fondation AF Official Website